Chapter 10

1997 to 2009

Through the Prophet Joseph Smith, the Lord has expanded our understanding of some passages in the Bible. The Lord inspired the Prophet Joseph to restore truths to the Bible text that had been lost or changed since the original words were written. These inspired corrections are called the Joseph Smith Translation of the Bible. In the Latter-day Saint edition of the King James Version of the Bible, selected passages from the Joseph Smith Translation are found on pages 797-813 and in many footnotes...

The book of Moses contains an account of some of the visions and writings of Moses, revealed to the Prophet Joseph Smith in June and December 1830...

Their words come to us through conferences, Church publications, the Liahona or Ensign magazine, and instructions to local priesthood leaders...

Our standard works should be placed where our children will see them and We should read the standard works with our children so they will learn to love them and use them for the truths they contain.