Chapter 16 - The Church of Jesus in Former Times

1997 to 2009

Through the persecution and martyrdom of Church leaders and the general wickedness of the people, the Church of Jesus Christ was taken from the earth. Today the Church of Jesus Christ has been restored and is called The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. All of the offices and functions of the Church in the days of Jesus are present in the Church today...

The Church Organization

It was compared to a perfectly formed building that was "built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ himself being the chief corner stone" (Ephesians 2:20)...

The Apostles and other Church leaders visited and wrote letters to the leaders in the various branches...

Later, other Apostles died or were killed. Paul, Barnabas, and James, the brother of the Lord, were all ordained in their places...

First Principles and Ordinances

Everyone needed these saving ordinances of baptism and the gift of the Holy Ghost...

The Church of Jesus Christ in the Americas

After Jesus was resurrected, he visited the people in America and organized his Church among them, teaching the people for three days and then returning often for some time thereafter (see 3 Nephi 11-28). 

Apostasy from the True Church

Some members taught ideas from their old pagan or Jewish beliefs instead of the simple truths taught by Jesus. Some rebelled openly... One by one, the Apostles were killed or otherwise taken from the earth.

Because of wickedness and apostasy, the persecution, surviving Apostles could not meet to choose apostolic authority and ordain men to replace those who were dead. Eventually, local priesthood leaders keys were also taken from the only ones who had authority to direct the scattered branches of the Church earth. The perfect organization of the Church that Jesus Christ had established no longer existed, and confusion resulted. More and more error crept into Church doctrine, and soon the destruction dissolution of the Church was complete...

This church was very different from the church Jesus organized. Members of this church believed It taught that God was a being without form or substance...

The emperor chose his own leaders and sometimes called them by the same titles used by priesthood leaders in the true Church of Christ. Church officers were given honor and wealth. Bishops and archbishops fought among themselves to gain more power.

Additional Scriptures