Chapter 5 - The Creation
God's Plan for Us
- Why did we need to come to the earth?
- Who created the earth? Read Hebrews 1:1-2 and Moses 1:33.
Carrying Out the Creation
- What are the purposes of the Creation?
- Show a food recipe or a dress pattern. What is another word for recipe
and pattern? (Plan.) Read Abraham 3:24 to show that God plans
for all of his creations.
God's Creations Show His Love
- Discuss how we can show reverence for plants and animals.
- Discuss the purpose of God's creations (see D&C 59:18-19).
- How do God's creations show that he loves us?
- To help develop an appreciation for the beauty of God's creations, you
might do the following activities for home evenings: plan a picnic, plant a
garden, take a nature walk, enjoy a sunrise or sunset.
- How do God's creations show that He loves us?