of Mormon Teachings
While all Mormons believe that the Book of
Mormon is the Word of God, others believe the Book of Mormon
is a work of fiction - containing some teachings similar to the Bible.
Nevertheless, let's examine some Mormon teachings contained
Man is a sinner and separated from God
2 Nephi 2:21, Mosiah 3:19, Mosiah 4:5,
Mosiah 14:6, Alma 5:7, Alma 9:30,
Alma 12:22, Alma 26:17,
Alma 34:9, Alma 42:14, Moroni 10:25.
The Fall resulted in mankind suffering the
consequences of Adam's sin
Mosiah 3:11, Alma 12:22, Alma 42:9,
Ether 3:2.
The Law does not save
2 Nephi 2:5, 2 Nephi 2:7, 2 Nephi 25:25,
2 Nephi 25:27, Mosiah 3:15, Mosiah 13:28, Alma
Works do not save; it is a gift
2 Nephi 2:4, 2 Nephi 26:24-27, Ether 12:8, 33.
Salvation comes by Jesus Christ
2 Nephi 31:21, Mosiah 3:12-21, Mosiah 4:7-8, Mosiah 15:8-9,
Mosiah 16:13-15, Mosiah 18:20,
Alma 7:13-14, Alma 21:9, Helaman 5:9-12.
You must be born again
Mosiah 5:7, Mosiah 27:24-28, Alma 5:14,
Alma 7:14, 3 Nephi 9:17.
Now is the day of salvation
2 Nephi 26:11, Alma 5:28-33.
There is no second chance after death
1 Nephi 10:21, 2 Nephi 2:27-29, 2 Nephi 9:38,
Alma 34:32-35, Alma 40:11-14, Helaman 13:38.