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Free Resources

A Mormon Encounter - what you may encounter when speaking to LDS missionaries. 

Comparing the Bible and the Book of Mormon (PDF).

The Masonic Lodge - To be or not to be a Freemason?
(Joseph Smith and other early Mormon leaders were members. Find out what it's all about).

Archaeology and the Book of Mormon (PDF version).

Blacks, Lamanites, Native American Indians, and the Priesthood
Doctrines of Salvation, The Way to Perfection.
Non-segregation (Answers to Gospel Questions, volume 2).
The Lamanites (Answers to Gospel Questions, volume 3).
Priesthood Restriction (Answers to Gospel Questions, volume 5).
The Nephites and the Lamanites.
The Discovery of America.
The Destiny of Man.

The Hill Cumorah
Doctrines of Salvation.
April 1928 General Conference.

Adam sinned in the Garden of Eden (then Adam did not sin).

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